Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Greetings to fellow artist,

Most of you SHOULD know me if you are even on this blog. (LOL)  So this blog is for Original Story/Original Character a.k.a. OSOC, to tell everyone else about your stories, characters or just talk about how your character is feeling today and what they did. This could also be used to trade helpful tips about how to use different art mediums or coloring types on photoshop. Also if asked (and ONLY if asked) could also be given advice to help improve the art or for future art pieces.

Another thing,

Please! ONLY OS/OCs! I do not want this blog filled up with fanart and turn into another DA. That is why I am making this blog, to get away from that. It would make me sad to have to disband from all of this just because of that. So please I will say it once more, NO FAN ART! JUST OSOCs! (fanart of other peoples OS/OCs are completely fine though.) If you RP and would like to share go for that as well. Just remember to keep things short please if you are adding it to the actual blog. If it is really long that just give a heads up, or put a link and put it in the blog for us to click on. :) I really want this to be fun not a chore like DA was. You do not have to comment to everyone's are of course. We are all friends here so we should know better. OH while I am at it, there is another rule, this blog is like Fight Club : YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT IT! (jk but really). I do not want some (make that most) people, especially when I do not know them, to come here and become annoying later on. (It may seem mean but I am the one who is starting this and I do not want another DA. Friends Only pretty much.)
I think this last part is it,
Everyone here should pretty much knows the basic rules (hopefully), such as no bashing of course and (for artwork) uncensored pieces or sex scenes being posted. Everything else such as blood, gore, sexual (with out making others unconformable) and DEFINITELY no using other peoples characters in any : way, shape, form, or fashion without the artist say so! I will be very disappointed if any of you do that last bit. <> ^ <>

*Original Stories / Original Characters (OSOC) ONLY!
*NO fanart (but OSOC fanart is Okay)
*Do NOT use others OCs unless given the "O.K." from the artist.
*NO sex or uncensored artwork. (if you ask me what parts should be censored, well, you should know.)
*NO bashing.
*Keep others thoughts and feelings in mind when posting artwork, or commenting.

Thanks for actually reading all of this. (do not mind the miss spells I will get to them later.)
