Monday, October 11, 2010

Only the Beginning

The first thing that I want everyone to do is introduce themselves and include one of your own characters. Just one for now, this can be your persona or most used character, and please include a picture and/or detailed description of this character. If you can not think of anything to write about than answer these basic questions about your character : 
1.) Name : 
2.) Age/AOR (Age of Race) : 
3.) Birthplace/planet: 
4.) Hair color: 
5.) Eye color: 
6.) Family: 
9.)Favorite past time:
10.) Favorite food/drink: 

If you want to include these questions onto your character sheet that go for it. It is not necessary if you already have your character description down. Those questions are just to help you think about what to write, its not required. Though it would be nice for you to write something about your character. 
If you do not know how to post continue reading this post, if you already know how than just continue with what you were doing.

How to post on a blog
1.) go up to the top right corner of your blogger screen. 
2.) You should see something called post blog. (CLICK IT)
3.) Write down what you want, (it will save otimaticly if you stop typing/ or you could click the SAVE NOW button). 
4.) There is a SPELL CHEEK button on the bar above your post (CLICK IT) to spell check.
5.) To load pictures you go up to the bar on of the typing window. You will see a icon that looks like a PHOTO (CLICK IT). Another window will open asking how you what your pictuer displayed and the loading browser button. 
6.) After doing everything, there is an orange button below your post PUBLISH POST (CLICK IT) to publish your post.

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